Koleksi Plugin WordPress April 2011

Siang ini ada yang bertanya pada saya, “berapa banyak sih plugin yang digunakan?” – tentunya merujuk pada pengaya (plugin) blog bermesin WordPress yang saya gunakan. Kali ini saya akan kembali membuka dapur koleksi pengaya WordPress yang saya gunakan di Bhyllabus & Manvahana.

Pertama-tama, ada beberapa pengaya serupa yang diterapkan kedua blog. Mungkin karena pengaya tersebut saya rasa cukup esensial (atau sebenarnya hanya sekadar iseng saja) sehingga mesti dipasang pada kedua blog ini.

Berikut adalah pengaya-pengaya yang digunakan di kedua blog:

  1. All in One Adsense and YPN: Inserts Adsense or YPN code in to your blog posts. Ad position can be random or pre-defined. To configure this plugin go to “Settings->Adsense” menu.
  2. Comment Reply Notification: When a reply is made to a comment the user has left on the blog, an e-mail shall be sent to the user to notify him of the reply. This will allow the users to follow up the comment and expand the conversation if desired.
  3. Google XML Sitemaps: This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com to better index your blog.
  4. WordPlurk improve: Generates Plurk Updates when a new Post is Published, Useing Official Plurk api, and Setting improve.
  5. WP-Optimize: This plugin helps you to keep your database clean by removing post revisions and spams in a blaze. allows you to rename your admin name also. Additionally it allows you to run optimize command on your wordpress core tables (use with caution).

Bhyllabus menggunakan total sebanyak 13 pengaya, selain yang disebutkan di atas, maka yang lainnya adalah:

  1. Antispam Bee: Easy and extremely productive spam-fighting plugin with many sophisticated solutions. Includes protection again trackback spam.
  2. BAAP Mobile Version: The BAAP Mobile Version is a complete toolkit to help mobilize your WordPress site and blog. It includes a mobile switcher, filtered widgets, and content adaptation for mobile device characteristics. Activating this plugin will also install a selection of mobile themes by BAAP, a top UK mobile design team, and Forum Nokia. These adapt to different families of devices, such as Nokia and WebKit browsers (including Android, iPhone and Palm). If enabled, your site will be listed on mpexo, a directory of mobile-friendly blogs. Also check out the documentation and the forums. If you like the plugin, please rate us on the WordPress directory. And if you don’t, let us know how we can improve it!
  3. Copyright Proof: Digitally certify your posts to prove copyright ownership, generate copyright notice, and copy-protect text and images.
  4. FD Feedburner Plugin: Redirects all feeds to a Feedburner feed.
  5. Google Analyticator: Adds the necessary JavaScript code to enable Google’s Analytics. After enabling this plugin visit the settings page and enter your Google Analytics’ UID and enable logging.
  6. Tango Smileys Extended: Replace the standard WP Smileys with Tango PNG smileys. Extends smileys from 18 to 202!
  7. wp-Typography: Improve your web typography with: (1) hyphenation — over 40 languages supported, (2) Space control, includes: widow protection, gluing values to units, and forced internal wrapping of long URLs & email addresses, (3) Intelligent character replacement, including smart handling of: quote marks, dashes, ellipses, trademarks, math symbols, fractions, and ordinal suffixes, and (4) CSS hooks for styling: ampersands, uppercase words, numbers, initial quotes & guillemets.
  8. WP-UserAgent: A simple User-Agent detection plugin that lets you easily insert icons and/or textual web browser and operating system details with each comment.

Sedangkan Manvahana sendiri juga memiliki 13 pengaya, dan selain 5 yang sudah disebutkan sebagai pengaya bersama, maka sisanya adalah:

  1. AdsCaptcha: Why pay for CAPTCHAs when AdsCaptcha can make you money? AdsCaptcha provides high-level internet security, and you earn a share of every typed ad. Now that’s efficient!
  2. Akismet: Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep.
  3. Fast Secure Contact Form: Fast Secure Contact Form for WordPress. The contact form lets your visitors send you a quick E-mail message. Super customizable with a multi-form feature, optional extra fields, and an option to redirect visitors to any URL after the message is sent. Includes CAPTCHA and Akismet support to block all common spammer tactics. Spam is no longer a problem.
  4. Google Analytics Plugin: Optimized Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress.
  5. Infolinks Official Plugin: This plugin will automatically add your Infolinks script to your website pages.
  6. Odiogo Listen Button: Give your blog a voice! Add a “Listen Now” button to your blog so your readers can listen to your posts and download podcasts.
  7. Smart Archives Reloaded: An elegant and easy way to present your posts, grouped by year and month.
  8. WP Super Cache: Very fast caching plugin for WordPress.

Nah, itulah semua pengaya (plugin) WordPress yang saya tanamkan di kedua blog tersebut saat ini. Silakan jika ada yang memiliki pertanyaan tentang pengaya-pengaya tersebut, any question?

4 tanggapan untuk “Koleksi Plugin WordPress April 2011”

  1. Digiprove itu memberatkan tidak?

    Saya sempat pasang minggu lalu, tapi sehari setelah dipasang (belum mulai posting malahan) blog disuspend. Sekarang di-deactive-kan dulu….


    • Mbak Zee, setahu saya ndak kok, karena dia tipe plugin on-demand, jadi ndak selalu aktif seperti akismet, dipakainya kan cuma sekali saat menerbitkan tulisan baru saja.


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